Title: The Demon Side (Book One of the Demon Side Series)
Author: Heaven Liegh Eldeen
Publisher: Decadent Publishing
Publication Date: October 21, 2011
ISBN: 978-1-61333-142-2
Genre: New adult/YA, paranormal romance, fantasy romance
Length: 127 pages
Heat Level: Sweet/Sensual
Reviewer: TJ
Date: November 6, 2011
Every kid has problems. Every kid has even more problems when they move to a new home. But when a kid with problems moves to a new home that has a Demon living inside it—look out!
Etta’s world is about to spin out of control when she encounters her new roommate—and Rahovart, that ancient trickster, is in for a few surprises too. So don’t mind all the crashing and rumbling; that’s just the normal noise Angels and Demons make when they’re fighting an epic war in the attic.
One thing’s for sure: Etta and Rahovart will have to go through Hell to Heaven and back again before that old Victorian home in Quantico Town finally quiets down…
Etta’s world is about to spin out of control when she encounters her new roommate—and Rahovart, that ancient trickster, is in for a few surprises too. So don’t mind all the crashing and rumbling; that’s just the normal noise Angels and Demons make when they’re fighting an epic war in the attic.
One thing’s for sure: Etta and Rahovart will have to go through Hell to Heaven and back again before that old Victorian home in Quantico Town finally quiets down…
The Demon side is a fantastic beginning to a new series. I was fortunate enough to get my hands on a copy because I was interviewing the author. The story at times is sadly intense and Etta is an amazing heroine. She is strong and sweet, damaged and delightful and I cannot wait to see how this young woman is going to grow in the coming adventures. Rahovart is a truly complex hero with his multifaceted personality that seems to fascinate and surprise himself as much as it does the readers. I found this to be a raw read that left me wanting more. The emotions in this piece are so intense, entertaining and left me hypersensitive in a good way. The lead characters secure a deep connection with each other and I quickly became invested in the outcome of their interactions. The supporting cast was just as well developed and I cannot wait to read the follow up to this story.
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