Rogues by Denysé Bridger

Title: Rogues

Author: Denysé Bridger

Publisher: Hearts On Fire Books

Publication Date: 2009


Genre: Adventure fantasy romance

Length: 127 pages

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Rating: 4 Diamonds

Heat Level: Erotic

Other: Oral play

Reviewer: Gabrielle

Date: 2/13/10

This book consists of three short stories.

In the first story Angel-Fire we are introduced to the pirate Jack Stanton and his lady Angelique. She is a gypsy that has caught his eye but it seems she may have caught him instead. As they enjoy each other Jack finds himself having a vision. Jack may not live long enough to find out what it all means. It seems that Angelique belongs to another man and he does not like to share.

In our second story The Phantom’s Lair we meet Katheryn Hollinsworth the daughter of the newly appointed Deputy Governor. During his stay on the island of Tortuga Jack not only saves Katheryn but also begins to loose his heart to her. Will love conquer all or will they forever only get fleeting moments of chance?

In the last story Storm-Singer the reader is transported to the Isle of Nyx where magic rules. There we meet the vampire pirate named Jaden and his love Arrah. While attacking a ship one night Jaden takes a prisoner, a beautiful lady named Sarita. All is not as it seems for the lovely lady Sarita holds a secret. Jaden keeps her at the island and tries to find out the secret she keeps. Will Arrah find that secret before it is too late or will she loose Jaden forever?

Each of these stories are quick paced and full of action. Both pirates Jack and Jaden are great characters with leading ladies that are strong enough to stand by their sides. If you enjoy romance and the sea this book is for you.

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