Pack of Lies by Vanessa Vaughn

Title: Pack of Lies

Author: Vanessa Vaughn

Publisher: Ravenous Romance

Publication Date: 2010

ISBN: 978-1-60777-339-9

Genre: paranormal romance

Length: 185

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Rating: 3.5 Diamonds

Heat Level: explicit

Other: m/m, m/f, voyeurism, oral

Reviewer: Brecken Stevens

Date: Aug 11, 2010

Marcus isn’t necessarily the strongest werewolf in his pack, but through cunning and luck, he became alpha. His pack is animalistic, cruel and lives by the law of the strongest survives. Within that mindset, the tender male attention that he craves is unacceptable, so he spends moments with other males in secret to maintain his status. Jack is a yuppie human, on his way up in the world. From humble beginnings, he fought the social stigmas and became a man of means and reputation. But all that changes when he hits a wolf with his car. A mauling brings changes in Jack and not just his sight and food preferences. He sees a man, feels that man and wants him. Marcus and Jack finally meet, man-to-man and the lust explodes, but will Marcus jeopardize his place in the pack for Jack and can Jack ever accept what it means to be a werewolf?

Pack of Lies, for the most part, is a harder story. Told from alternating first point of views from Jack and Marcus, the reader gets very different views on what is happening and then has to put them together, which is no hardship as the plot flows very well. The sex is hot, frequent and varied, which is nice. The big downfall I felt in the story was in Marcus’ viewpoint. There were times when it felt very feminine, even distractingly so, which I felt didn’t fit his character. But all in all, a good m/m story featuring the not so cuddly side of werewolf paranormal romance. Definitely worth picking up when a reader wants something different.

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