Title: Seven For Seduction
Author: Celine Chatillon
Publisher: Liquid Silver Books
Publication Date: 2010
ISBN: 978-1-59578-690-6
Genre: Contemporary
Length: 142 pages
Author Email celinechatillon@hotmail.com
Rating: 4 Diamonds
Heat Level: Erotic
Other: oral play
Reviewer: Gabrielle
When Brent is hired at the travel office he finds himself the only male and the object of everyone’s desire. That is except for Jodi and that is exactly what he wants until he has to work with her. Will Jodi and Brent find a happy ever after or are they both to hurt by their pasts to try again?
This was a sweet romantic story. I enjoyed Jodi, she is a strong woman. Brent is a warm and loving man. And, the two are a wonderful couple. Watching them begin to have feelings towards each other was a nice read. As both Jodi and Brent try to deal with their pasts and their feelings about each other, they must also help others deal with their problems. It was also nice to read about all the other characters in the story as well. From the other women in the office to Gramps, each one has their own story to tell.
Brent’s Grandfather is a wonderful man who endears himself to the reader. Seeing each character grow and learn about themselves’ makes this book a nice read. The bond that the women have was a nice touch. They stand by each other no matter what.
What begins as a simple bet on girl’s night out turns into something much more in the end. Celine Chatillon does a good job in pulling the reader into the story. With characters full of emotion and a well-written plot this book should not be missed.
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