Title: Wolf Reborn: The Westervelt Wolves Book 3
Author: Rebecca Royce
Publisher: Liquid Silver Books
Publication Date: 2010
ISBN: 978—1-59578-656-2
Genre: paranormal romance
Length: 90 pages
Author Email : Rebecca@rebeccaroyce.com
Rating: 4 diamonds
Heat Level: spicy
Reviewer: Brecken Stevens
Date: March 30th 2010
Theo Westervelt feels tainted. That ugliness makes him seek solitude from the family and Pack who love him. Faith
Theo and Faith drew me in right from the start with the way they fought and denied their own insecurities. The peripheral characters were so strong from previous Westervelt stories that they made Theo and Faith even more believable and loveable in their flaws. Magic and intrigue keep the plot moving very well while the two weres in question circle each other. The growing relationship and banter between Theo and Faith made me smile on several occasions and it’s set up perfectly for the next in the series. I know I can’t wait to find out what happens. Wolf Reborn will be a hit for any paranormal romance reader who likes things a little spicy but also sweet and tender. It was a wonderful mix that I’m so happy I picked up.
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Thank you for your review!! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
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