Bound by Blood by Elizabeth Darvill

Title: Bound by Blood
Author: Elizabeth Darvill
Publisher: Lyrical Press
Publication Date: October 2010
ISBN: 978-1-61650-200-3
Genre: Paranormal
Length: 106 pages
Heat Level: Sensual
Reviewer: Cassandra Parker
Date: November 19, 2010

A former vampire slayer, Mila has become the monster that she despises, a fatality on the quest to save her sister from the leader of the vampires. On the run from Steele, the vampire holding her sister, and his minions, Mila must find a book of power in order to invoke the gods for assistance. To top things offs Mila is accompanied by Bryce the leader of the lycans. While the lycans and the vampires are enemies Mila’s actions keep Bryce by her side as they work together to stop Steele and his vampire army. Will the lycans finally win the war with the vampires and save humanity from destruction? Or will Steele’s tyranny continue to destroy civilization leaving the humans defenseless.

I really enjoyed this story. It was an epic battle story slimed down to a little over 100 pages, because of this the pacing is very quick and the characters are constantly on the move. Mila and Bryce have an intriguing relationship and despite the hatred between their races, they manage to create something wonderful between them. The two of them have great chemistry and were a pleasure to read. There is a lot of plot to this story, which was unique and enjoyable, but there isn’t a lot of background provided on the characters because of the plot is so overwhelming. I’m also not a fan of stories in first person so that was an irritant for me, but the story was still well told and was entertaining, although the ending is odd. It is worth the read and if you enjoy first person, then you’ll love it.

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