Bound to be Mine by Tess Lamont
Title: Bound to Be Mine
Author: Tess Lamont
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Publication Date: 2010
Genre: Erotic BDSM
Length: 57 pages
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Rating: 4 Diamonds
Heat Level: Erotic
Other: anal/oral play, spanking, sex games, BDSM
Reviewer: Jillian Carroll
Date: 04/11/2010
Stripping had not just been profitable for Lisa Emery; it had given her the power, the control, to be the woman she wanted to be. She’d had a stimulating job and the perfect man at home—her master. Together, they were exploring the darker side of passion, and both seemed to bloom with the knowledge. Why then had he suddenly disappeared just when things were going so well? And why now was he back?
One thing Bound to be Mine has is plenty of erotic sex…but more than that, it has lots of emotion. Well thought out by the author, I could feel Lisa and Ben’s fear, pain, love, respect and ultimately, hope. Whether vanilla or kinky, sex is only as satisfying as the partners make it. Lisa and Ben know exactly what satisfies them in the bedroom ~ and it is extrinsically linked to the love and adoration they have for each other everywhere else. If you like the kinkier side of romance as well as a good love story, read Bound to be Mine!
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