Title: Demons and Stilettos Are a Girl’s Best Friend
Author: Sandra Sookoo
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Publication Date: 2010
Length: 97 Pages
Author Email: sandrasookoo@yahoo.com
Rating: 5 Diamonds
Heat Level: Sensual
Reviewer: Sky
When Anne is rescued from certain death by a handsome demon, she learns that the price for her rescue is pretty steep – her soul. And when that demon follows her home, it’s only a matter of time before he discovers the secret that Anne has hidden in her closet. If she is to avoid eternal damnation, Anne must find a way to break her contract with the Prince of Darkness.
I read Sandra Sookoo because she totally cracks me up. Her heroines have a self understanding that is admirable and Anne is no exception. At the start of the story she is facing death with an irony and subtle sarcasm that hold up even when she has to face her demon, literally.
Gregg Carter, demon and IRS auditor is just the right hero for this heroine, if circumstances can just be altered so that they can be together. So, to sum up, sexy heroes, real women heroines and humor. A real win-win combination.
+ comments + 2 comments
Thanks you so much for reviewing my book and for liking it :-) I appreciate the time you took on the review :-) You made my day!
I am just about to start reading this one...it sounds great!
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