Title: Spell of Passion
Author: Shelly Turner
Publisher: Red Rose Publishing
Publication Date: November 12, 2009
ISBN: 978-1-60435-465-2
Genre: Paranormal
Length:13,700 (novella)
Rating: 3 Diamonds
Heat Level: Sensual
Other: Reviewer: Charlotte Magdelena
Date: April 27,2010
Emily has no choice but to try and escape the deception that tortures her soul. After she finds out that her husband cheated on her and to beat it all, with her only living relative, her sister. She flees in attempt to escape the heartache, but doesn't get far before the world around her spins and leaves her a fallen woman amongst the darkness.
Jax is tired of the centuries of loneliness. Emily is his last hope for sanity--for love. If only he could convince her that she is meant to be with him will he have a future.
Will his powers become his enemy, or will they reel him into a seductive spell of passion?
With a talented pen, Turner tells the story of two lonely hearts who find comfort in sexual desire and passion. The problem is she manages to tell the story, but litters it with cheesy phrases and cliché word choices.
If you are looking for something quick and sensual, give this a quick read.
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