Title: Eden ’s Hell
Author: Dawne Dominique
Publisher: Purple Sword Publications
Publication Date: 2009
ISBN: 978-1-936165-20-9
Genre: Paranormal/Erotic/Vampire
Length: 198 pages
Rating: 5 Diamonds
Heat Level: Erotic, sensual
Other: Violence, oral
Reviewer: Starla Kaye
Date: 4-23-10
Oh no! The book ended all too soon! I loved this first book and look forward to reading the next part, II: The First Dark Diary, coming in July 2010.
The author wove a wonderful story with numerous twists and turns, pulling me eagerly along all the way to the end. It was an enjoyable different version of the vampire world. The characters were well drawn, emotions running deep, including for the villainess.
I particularly loved Addison ’s thoughts about Eva: His heart was as dead as his body, or so he thought, yet this human woman kindled every dormant emotion he possessed. And I enjoyed when he first took her in his arms to fly through the sky because He wanted to give her an adventure that few humans ever experience. A special gift, just for her. He was so very much my kind of hero! Eva, too, was special and her love for Addison was a beautiful thing to experience.
+ comments + 1 comments
Thank you just doesn't seem to cut it, but Starla, THANK YOU! And thank you to Got Erotic Romance. I will remember and treasure this review always. ((hugs))
I promise that I'm working on Dark Diary as I speak. An added bonus is that it may release earlier...for June. *smirks*
From the the bottom and top of my heart, thank you again and again.
Biggest hugs and smiles,
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