Title: Earth Awakened
Author: Rae Morgan
Publisher: Liquid Silver Books
Publication Date: 2009
ISBN: 978-1-59578-364-6
Genre: Paranormal
Length: 165 Pages
Author Email: monettemichaels@gmail.com
Rating: 5
Heat Level: Erotic
Date: 6/22/2010
Only two people can save Earth from imminent destruction…
Lily Redfern is not your average woman. An Earth Keeper, she’s one of the chosen ones─an Earth Talisman from the prophesies of Sorhineth.
Captain Carr Madoc is not your average guy. He’s a protector-consort to Lily.
From the get-go, I was on the edge of my seat. Lily and Carr drew me right in. The way the author interwove geology with suspense and astral sexuality was stunning and very different. I couldn’t wait for them to actually meet! Bet you’re wondering what I mean. But that’s part of the thrill of this story…the build-up.
Once they do connect─trust me─you won’t be disappointed…steaming hot!
The enemies in this tale were fantastic. Cruel, decisive, yet hard to predict─Darcy Miller and Algernon Brody will make your rhetorical hackles rise. I suppose I loved to hate them?
Intelligent, thought-provoking, mind-blowing, Rae Morgan is a true talent. Earth Awakened is the ultimate good versus evil story done erotica style. Well written, this is by far one of the best novels I’ve read. Highly recommended!
+ comments + 1 comments
Thank you so much for the wonderful review.
Rae Morgan
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