Title: Moonlight and Magick
Author: Isobael Liu
Publisher: Lyrical Press
Publication Date: May 2010
ISBN: 978-1-61650-148-8
Genre: fantasy/paranormal romance
Length: 170
Author Email: Isobael.Liu@gmail.com
Rating: 4 Diamonds
Heat Level: spicy
Other: oral
Reviewer: Brecken Stevens
Date: June 28, 2010
Lilian Quinn is a woman with a past, one she is desperately trying to escape. She finds solstice in a quiet little town and though it’s far from exciting, it is safe. Or at least it was for a time. With powers she can’t explain, Lilian has been made a target by the Custodes Secreti, a secret organization dedicated to using people with Lilian’s kind of powers. Matthias Romulus, alpha of his werewolf pack sees Lilian is troubled, but couldn’t have imagined all the change one female could bring.
I asked the review coordinator for a sexed up werewolf story, and wow, Moonlight and Magick blew that request out of the water. There are plenty of sexy werewolves, but there is so much more. I loved the characters, not just Lilian and Matthias (both of whom were fantastic) but also the supporting ones as well. I want to read all of their stories, so I’m hoping Ms. Liu has them in the works. Paranormal stories that cover so much territory sometimes get difficult to follow, but Moonlight and Magick had no such trouble. It was clear and I loved the back story for the werewolf clans. All the details led to a completely satisfying story, but with enough left over for future stories from Matthias’ pack to be just as interesting. Anyone looking for a sexy werewolf or Sidhe story will find it here.
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