Title: Live Action Hero
Author: Mary Winter
Publisher: Changeling Press
Publication Date: 2010
ISBN: 978-1-59596-340-6
Genre: Paranormal
Length: Collection of short stories
Author Email: mary@marywinter.com
Rating: 5 Diamonds
Heat Level: Erotic
Other: M/M, oral, anal
Reviewer: Starla Kaye
Date: 6-3-10
Mack Walker gets seriously injured as an action hero only to be repaired by the owner of a comic shop. With the repairs completed, he remembers a past life as a human dying in
Sawyer Airestok was another seriously injured action hero, repaired by his former team mate, Mack Walker. He remembers how he’d died from a sniper’s bullet in
Talon Jameson is another of the seriously wounded action heroes brought back to human life by the Toymaker. He’d died in 1990 in Desert Storm only to become an action hero for eighteen years. But he’s earned a second chance at life and given a mission of helping a third partner in the comic book company with an ad campaign to help save the company. He’d modeled before being a soldier and now he is getting a chance to model again. But can he convince Hugh to love him for more than just his cover-model body? Can the two men find a lasting love together?
Van: torn between staying a partner in the comic shop and finishing law school
Brice is the final part of the team of action heroes restored from a serious injury by the owners of the comic book company. The Toymaker gives him a second chance to be human and a mission to help the fourth partner, Van, in the comic shop make a tough decision. Can Brice help Van make the right decision? Can the two of them find happiness like their friends?
When I first started reading this collection of stories, I wondered about the basic theme: action hero dolls coming to real life. But I quickly found myself enjoying each of the stories and caring for each of the men, including the former action-hero-turned-living men. Each of the eight men had emotional depth, each carried baggage, and each needed and deserved a chance at finding the love of their life. Overall, this was an enjoyable read.
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