Title: An Elemental Tail
Author: Shona Husk
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Publication Date: 2010
Genre: Paranormal romance
Length: Novella
Author Email: shona@shonahusk.com
Rating: 4.5 Diamonds
Heat Level: Spicy
Reviewer: Starla Kaye
Date: 5-26-10
This was a sweet, spicy romance. Yes, a combination, just as the story was a combination of human and paranormal romance.
Nik, an Elemental, had been betrayed by a former lover and condemned to live as an immortal human. He doesn’t believe in love and he doesn’t want to stay a human. He needs a special book made from his former tail back to become whole again. Nothing else matters to him…until he meets Isla Williams.
Isla Williams, a struggling art student inherits a beautiful leather-bound book. She is reluctant to draw in it. And then one day a handsome model in her class entices her to draw in the book. She fills it with special drawings of a man she can’t seem to resist. Then he disappears from her life but not from her heart.
I enjoyed the characters and their growth, especially Nik’s. The conflict was unique and difficult to overcome, but handled nicely. Overall, this was an enjoyable read.
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