Title: Fae Me Not
Author: Riley Ashford
Publisher: Changeling Press LLC
Publication Date: 2010
ISBN: 978-1-60521-430-6
Genre: Paranormal
Length: Short novella
Rating: 4 Diamonds
Heat Level: Sweet erotic
Other: Oral play
Reviewer: Starla Kaye
Date: 5-17-10
Donovan is a Fae prince who has been forced to live for nearly fifty years in the human world because he had acted the idiot before he was to marry Princess Neella. Because of what he did, they both suffer the joys of being in love and the horror of being torn apart one day each year. He finally realizes he can’t continue this heartbreaking cycle any longer. It isn’t fair that the woman he desperately loves every day can never know her true love but for part of one day each year. If he can find the strength, he must let her go.
The characters are not as well-developed as I would have preferred, but enough that I cared for them as a reader. The conflicts keeping them apart were interesting and difficult to overcome. For a very short story, this was a touching tale of a second chance at love.
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