Title: Echoes of the Future anthology
Author: A.B. Gayle, Aleksandr Voinov, Jude Mason, Kate Cotoner
Publisher: Noble Romance Publishing
Publication Date: 2010
ISBN: 978-1-60592-093-1
Genre: Sci-Fi
Length: Novel, 112 pages
Author Website: Voinov: www.aleksandrvoinov.com
Cotoner: www.katecotoner.com
Gayle: www.abgayle.com
Mason: http://jude-mason.blogspot.com
Rating: overall anthology rating 4 Diamonds
Heat Level: Spicy erotic
Other: M/M, anal/oral play, BDSM
Reviewer: Starla Kaye
Burn by Aleksandr Voinov 3.5 Diamonds
It’s a case of who do you trust and how much are you willing to accept as what is good for everyone. Chris and Cyril, two pilots of fighter drones, find each other due to a problem with a special suit Chris wears. Their encounter leads to intimacy and a hope for a future together. Except Cyril hasn’t been totally upfront with Chris.
I found the characters intriguing and the conflicts they face both externally and internally good, but a little confusing. Still, it was an enjoyable cyberpunk read.
Conduit by Kate Cotoner 4 Diamonds
This is a second chance at love story with suspense elements and a possible danger to baseline humans of the future. I’m a lover of second chance stories and enjoyed this one.
Kerr Ismail, a cop, has resisted having any of the upgrades done to his human body, preferring to live his life by his terms. His resistance to the new technology cost him his husband, who was all for it. Heartbroken he has accepted his life and the loss of the man he loved. Then Toki reappears in his life, needing his help to save the baseline humans like him from someone out to rid the world of them. But can they work together? Can they risk touching one another again?
I enjoyed the well-developed characters and the conflicts that kept them apart and threaten their future. And the sex was great.
Rescue Me by Jude Mason 4 Diamonds
This is a story of lovers reunited in a seriously bad environment, with an interesting twist ending. Lt. Thomas Patch was assigned to guard a Leetchi Ambassador and his family on their visit to Earth and ended up finding the man of his heart, the Ambassador’s son. But their love was not to be. Jad was kidnapped. Now Patch’s only goal is to find his lover and rescue him. Not an easy task, and definitely not a pleasant one.
There was an interesting cast of characters who you can’t help but pull for. The villains were certainly detestable, and the sex good.
Reversal by A. B. Gayle 4.5 Diamonds
I really enjoyed this story about a bored young man supervising his family’s robots on their space station and his decision to teach a new cyborg about sex. Only his program adjustments proved far more effective than he’d imagined. All in all, a fun little story.
+ comments + 1 comments
Thanks for the positive review, Valerie. My first published story!
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