Title: Irish Kiss
Author: Christa Paige
Publisher: Liquid Silver Books
Publication Date: 2010
ISBN: 978-1-59578-680-7
Genre: Contemporary
Length: 48 pages
Author Email: christapaigeauthor@gmail.com
Rating: 4 Diamonds
Heat Level: Spicy Erotic
Other: Oral play
Reviewer: Starla Kaye
Date: 5-23-10
Attractions in the work place are difficult. It is even harder when rules forbid having romantic relationships. Gavin Marshal has worked for months as the police detective on a case with Cassidy Hyatt, the investigator from the district attorney’s office. His desire for her has reached a point where he must act on it and he hopes she will respond agreeably. Cassidy has fought her desire for the detective, knowing they can’t go against the rules, and aware of her past bad luck in relationships. When their case ends, they allow the heat between them to explode. But when the case suddenly takes another turn…
The reader can easily feel the characters’ frustration and their battle against both external and internal conflicts. Then when they reach the moment of letting go…Well, it’s hot!
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