Title: Another Place and Time
Author: Cara Preston
Publisher: Red Rose Publishing
Publication Date: 01/24/10
ISBN: 978-1-60435-610-6
Genre: Paranormal
Length: 67 pgs
Rating: 1.5 Diamonds
Heat Level: sweet
Reviewer: Sasha Evins
Date: 05/12/10
Is there such thing as a soul mate? Trina's divorce has left her shaken and wondering. Then someone comes along who totally blows her away. Ben is different. It's as though he's from another era, but is he? Paranormal events lead her to believe that he is from another time zone. Will she take a chance on him and find love again?
The idea behind this story was wonderful, but I just didn’t care for how it was written. I felt that it was being geared toward a much younger audience (like 6th graders.)From time to time there was head hopping (not sure how editing didn’t catch that) despite the fact that it was purely from the heroine’s perspective.
Again it was a really creative idea, and obviously the author has the writing muse within her. Perhaps this just isn’t her best work, and I have faith that her next work will be much better.
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