Title: One Knight Stand
Author: Gail Roarke
Publisher: Cobblestone Press
Publication Date: 2010
ISBN: 978-1-60088-513-6
Genre: Erotica
Length: 25 pages
Rating: 3.5 Diamonds
Heat Level: Erotic
Other: Oral
Reviewer: S. K. Fero
Date: 5-28-10
Super-hero Victor Kruger, the Black Knight, is frustrated at not getting as much media attention is the Guardians. He meets a young reporter, Robin Harris, who wants a private interview. He agrees, knowing he’ll maybe get better publicity from her or at least sex.
Robin has a secret mission, more than just interviewing the city’s newest protector. Can she accomplish her mission and have great sex with the handsome Black Knight? Does she want more from him than a one-night stand?
This was a very short story, leaning definitely more along the line of erotica than an erotic story. The focus was more on sex than plot, which is acceptable for erotica. But the characters had such promise and I was a little disappointed not to have the storyline blown up more and the characters more developed.
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