Title: Dangerously Midnight
Author: Buffy Christopher
Publisher: Sapphire Blue Publishing
Publication Date: 2010
ISBN: 978-1-934657-45-4
Genre: Paranormal/MM romance/Vampire
Length: Short novella
Rating: 4 Diamonds
Heat Level: Spicy erotic
Other: Oral play, anal play
Reviewer: Starla Kaye
Date: 5-20-10
Book 2 in the Midnight Series
If you like vampires, M/M, and hot sex, this is the book for you. You might want to read the first book in the series, Upon Midnight, too, but I don’t believe this story is dependent on the other.
This is a second chance at love story of two men torn apart by a master vampire jealous of their love for one another. Midnight and Danger have managed to find each other again, but menace still surrounds their relationship. Can they find the happiness they seek?
The characters are fairly well developed and their history from the first book is woven into the story. The sex is hot and demanding. Emotions intense and entice the reader to pull for these special characters. There is a villain but we don’t really see the cruel side of him in this story, although it is hinted at. I’m looking forward to reading the next story in the series to see the villain’s fury unleashed and pull for these determined characters as they face him.
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